Today's Broadcast

Today’s Devotional


WHOEVER READS THE WRITINGS OF Christians from earlier centuries is struck with the frequent references to God’s providence. Why don’t we hear more about it today? What imp sneaked in and stole this good word from our twenty-first century vocabulary? The spirit of naturalism that views all events in nature as ruled by independent natural forces has left its mark on our generation. Too bad. We would do well to reintroduce this grand word to our tongues as well as to our young.

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How to Produce Fruit

Deepen your understanding of Pastor Chuck’s messages on The Fruit of the Spirit with our new spiral-bound workbook and CD set. See what a life transformed by the Spirit looks like!

The Fruit God Grows

How can we know if we’re really making progress in our spiritual walk? This list provided by Paul is a great place to start in seeing how much the Spirit controls our thoughts and actions.

Being Gentle at Heart

Often, it’s not advice or knowledge we need so much as a gentle touch from a caring soul. Pastor Chuck brings this truth home with a story that shows us how to stand out from others.

God’s Careful Pruning

Is God growing you in a way that feels painful right now? Pastor Chuck reflects on a lesson he learned about growth from a couple of fruit trees he once had in his garden.

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