Today's Broadcast

Today’s Devotional

Watch Out for Fakes

A friend of mine ate dog food one evening. No, he wasn’t at a fraternity initiation or a hobo party . . . he was actually at an elegant student reception in a physician’s home near Miami. The dog food was served on delicate little crackers with a wedge of imported cheese, bacon chips, an olive, and a sliver of pimiento on top. That’s right, friends and neighbors, it was hors d’oeuvres a la Alpo.

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Can I Get a Yes or No, God?

Discerning God’s will is a dilemma God’s people have wrestled with for centuries. How do we know we’re making the right choices? This series and study workbook offer solid direction.

Only God Sees the End

How is God operating in our lives? Can we really know? If so, How? Visit our topical page on God's Will to help guide you as you seek to know and follow God's will for your life.

You Put Our Faith in Action

We will be forever grateful for the incredible community that generously supports our mission and rejoices with us over transformed lives. Read Pastor Chuck’s heartfelt words of reflection.

God’s Family

No family is perfect, including the family of God. But when God's family is functioning the way Pastor Chuck describes in this video, lost ones will be attracted and curious to know more!

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