After 26 incredible years as the senior pastor of Stonebriar Community Church, Pastor Chuck will soon step down and embrace a new chapter of ministry. October 2024 will mark his 90th year of life and will be the month he concludes his pulpit and pastoral responsibilities at Stonebriar Community Church. He is preaching a five-part series, Looking in All the Right Directions, from the 22nd of September through the 20th of October.
He is endlessly grateful for the privilege of serving Stonebriar Community Church and witnessing the transformative power of God in all their lives. While his role and involvement in this body of Christ is changing, his commitment to their mission and vision will never fade. He and Cynthia will continue to worship there and forever consider it their church family.
With his characteristically youthful spirit and invigorating perspective, he is excited to dive deeper into his calling at Insight for Living. He’ll be engaging more in the day-to-day activities at Insight, mentoring pastors, recording podcasts, and even writing a few books. This ministry has been a vibrant part of his and Cynthia’s life for more than 45 years, and he could not be more thrilled at continuing his ministry efforts here!
Chuck, Cynthia, Stonebriar Community Church’s leadership, and Insight for Living all sense a perfect peace in this decision and give thanks to Christ for His gracious leading and timing through it all.