Have you ever come across this puzzle?
It’s known as Isaac’s Apple. The aim is to break the apple into all its pieces and reassemble again. The final piece is the central ‘core’. Once it’s inserted into the middle, it locks all the other pieces into position; completing the apple. If you like puzzles, this one will puzzle you for quite a while!
I think this creative jigsaw helps to understand what pastoral care is all about. Let me explain.
Genesis 1 tells us that God created everything perfectly – He declared it “good”. But Genesis 3 tells us that humans chose to rebel against, and reject, God and His Kingship. Death entered. Perfection was destroyed.
The remainder of Scripture is about God’s dealing with sin…putting things back together again…restoring all things. As we read the Bible we discover this is only possible through Jesus Christ. Paul explains that God is reconciling all things to himself by making peace through Christ’s blood on the cross. (Colossians 1:19-20)
Just as Isaac’s Apple is reassembled and held together with the ‘core’ piece, so our world is only restored, and humans are reconciled to God, through the person and work of Christ. As Paul says in Colossians 1:17, in Christ “all things hold together”.
The pastoral team at Insight for Living UK is committed to the good news of the gospel. We desire people to be ‘put back together’ again as they come into a right relationship with God, through Christ. We long for people to know, experience, and enjoy life to the full as they live with Christ at the centre. We do this by looking to the Scriptures, helping people see that life will only make sense when it’s lived in relationship with Christ and in obedience to His truths.
If you are in need of Pastoral Care, please email pastoralcare@insightforliving.org.uk and one of our Pastors will response in due course. If you would like to speak with one of our Pastoral Care Team, you can call 0800 787 9364 to schedule an appointment